Fri, 16 December 2022
Certified Financial Planner Chad Burton compares the last 5 years of stock returns to crypto. Next, a discussion on inflation and balancing 401k and Roth contributions. How much should you be putting in each account, and why? Listen now to hear the latest on these topics and more on New Focus on Wealth. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 9 December 2022
In this episode, Chad discusses why trying to time the market is a fool's game and what you don’t want to hear from someone you’re paying to help navigate your finances. What’s the truth about the relationship between stocks and bonds? Listen now for the latest insight on the hottest topics of financial planning with Certified Financial Planner Chad Burton. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 9 December 2022
In this episode, Chad discusses why trying to time the market is a fool's game and what you don’t want to hear from someone you’re paying to help navigate your finances. What’s the truth about the relationship between stocks and bonds? Listen now for the latest insight on the hottest topics of financial planning with Certified Financial Planner Chad Burton. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 6 December 2022
On this episode, Chad discusses Tax Loss Harvesting and how you can use a down market to your benefit. Tax season is right around the corner, don’t miss this episode! Listen now as Chad goes over topics that are crucial to not only your tax planning but your retirement plan as a whole. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 18 November 2022
Listen to the latest episode as Rob and Chad discuss tax planning for retirement and the new perspective retirees will have to adapt to as they move from building wealth to living off of it. Is your portfolio ready to make that transition? Listen now to find out! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 14 November 2022
The latest episode of New Focus On Wealth featured a look around the market and a discussion on how to handle the economic turbulence that may be right around the corner. Listen now as Chad explains why panic selling is the worst thing you can do in a bear market. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 9 November 2022
Listen to the latest episode of Joining Me Now as Rob and Chad help you navigate through some of the commonly overlooked problems that occur with improper tax and estate planning. Are you putting you and your family in the best position to keep your hard earned dollars after retirement? Listen now to find out! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 3 November 2022
Rob and Chad discuss what retirees are doing to maximize their enjoyment of retirement, noting that those staying busy and taking care of their diet and exercise are often happier than those who plan to retire earlier with no vision of what they want to do to keep them busy. Next, a discussion on preparing for health-related expenses in retirement and why you should account for a 5-6% cost increase year to year. Listen now to hear the latest on all things retirement-related from Rob and Chad! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 2 November 2022
On the latest episode of Joining Me Now, Rob and Chad discuss building wealth for retirement and the various tools you can use to do so. High-interest savings accounts, bonds, and even mortgages are just a few of the tools broken down into detail. Listen now, and don’t miss out on the opportunities of today’s economy. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 24 October 2022
The latest episode of Joining Me Now, featuring hosts Rob Black and Chad Burton, addresses what those entering retirements are doing to address current market conditions and inflation. Listen now as this dynamic duo talks about transitioning your portfolio from the accumulation phase to the income phase. Which accounts do you draw from first? What can you do to protect yourself from downturns in the market? Listen now to find out! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 21 October 2022
Listen to the latest episode of New Focus On Wealth to get the latest insight from Certified Financial Planner Chard Burton. On this episode, Chad talks about the importance of fighting the FOMO of popular meme stocks that may be trendy on social media. Next, Chad explains how market corrections are some of the most crucial events towards your long-term wealth building. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 19 October 2022
Check out the latest episode of New Focus On Wealth, where Chad gives his expert opinion on market conditions, what they mean for your future, and how you can take advantage of the buying opportunities. Don’t miss this episode as Chad leads a detailed discussion on bonds and how to take advantage of them! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Sat, 8 October 2022
In this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad analyses the volatility of the bond market. Chad references similar volatility in the 80s as a hint of what may come. Next, find out why current conditions are a prime example of why Chad urges his clients to have three years worth of portfolio draws in Cash. Hit play now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 5 October 2022
Listen to the latest episode of New Focus On Wealth as Chad dives into the massive buying opportunity that the current economy presents for your portfolio, no matter how far along your retirement planning is! Don’t miss this episode during one of the better buying opportunities we could see for years. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 26 September 2022
In this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad discusses the importance of investing as early as possible, especially when prices are lower. Next, Chad discusses how diversification has made it easier to navigate through market turmoil. Have you ever wondered where an advisor is supposed to add value to your finances? Listen now as Chad identifies exactly where that value should be coming from. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 22 September 2022
Listen to the latest episode with hosts Rob Black and Chad Burton as they discuss the most pressing topics for retirees. What changes may you need to make to your estate planning to be grandfathered in when laws change? Have we seen the floor for inflation and taxes for the next decade? Press play and listen to Rob and Chad break down the questions you may not even know you have about retirement! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 20 September 2022
Listen to the latest episode of Joining Me Now as Rob and Chad discuss the importance of navigating through retirement with health in mind, financially, and for your mind and body. Next, Rob shines a light on the importance of separating the social climate from your investment strategies and how failing to do so can increase the likelihood of missing out on some of the best opportunities. Get the latest info on all aspects of retirement. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 15 September 2022
On this episode, Rob and Chad discuss the things to do before you hire a certified financial player. Listen now as this dynamic duo dives into the differences between product-based brokers and Certified Financial Planners, and how the value of a CFP is truly unmatched. If you’ve been wondering when to take action with a CFP, this is one episode you won’t want to miss! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 14 September 2022
Rob and Chad team up once again to talk about the most pressing financial topics of 2022, including inflation and how it’s affecting retirees. Listen to essential conversations regarding cash flow projection models and how you can structure your tax situation to take advantage of lower taxes once you are forced to draw from your retirement accounts. If you still have questions about retirement, this episode is a great place to start. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 8 September 2022
Listen to the latest episode of New Focus on Wealth as Certified Financial Planner Chad Burton talks about the topics that are most important to your money matters. In this episode, Chad talks about current market conditions, why we’re nearing peak inflation, interest rates, and planning for healthcare costs in retirement. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 26 August 2022
In this Episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad talks about everything from Crypto to long-term stock investing. Chad goes over how the 70/30 rule has held for decades and how you can leverage current market conditions to rebalance your portfolio. Listen now to hear what Chad has to say on some of the most critical topics to your portfolio. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 19 August 2022
After a brief look around the market, Chad talks about Asset Allocation and how you can use it to save money on taxes. Next, Chad answers questions from listeners, including one regarding umbrella coverage. Chad notes the rule of thumb is two times your net worth minus your retirement accounts. Chad also notes he’s never seen a client need umbrella coverage during his 29 years in the business. Next, Chad goes over options trading and his opinion on using it to build wealth. Don’t miss this episode! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 11 August 2022
On this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad provides a market update before moving into a question from a listener regarding dependents, taxes, and their Roth IRAs. Chad goes over the proper procedure for using tip money to fund a retirement account. Next, Chad goes over how to get started in investing for free and the importance of getting started early in life. Don’t miss this episode! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 28 July 2022
On this episode, Chad gives a brief market update before moving on to the fifteen things you should do before hiring a financial advisor. A little behind on your retirement savings? Chad notes how to get back on track. Starting with a simple budget, Chad explains the 15 things you can do to build a foundation of financial awareness before taking steps to find the right advisor for you. Don’t miss this 37-minute episode jam-packed with the steps you can't afford to skip! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 22 July 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad goes over the outlook for new retirees during a period of high inflation. Don’t miss this episode as Chad talks about taxes, interest rates, and inflation. Despite recent market performance, Chad expresses optimism with expectations for growth over the next 10 to 20 years, listen now to find out why. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 12 July 2022
Listen now as Chad discusses everything from inflation to the differences between mutual funds and ETFs! Chad gives his take on how close he thinks we are to peak inflation. Listen to the end to hear special guest Rob Black join the show to go over market performance and the buy and hold philosophy for retirees. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 6 July 2022
In this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad goes over the performance of differently structured portfolios over the past year, noting one of the worst years for balanced portfolios in recent history. Chad notes the importance of consistently buying and broadening your exposure to small-cap, mid-cap, large-cap, emerging markets, and real estate. Don’t miss this episode as Chad identifies an opportunity of a lifetime for building wealth. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 24 June 2022
Listen to the latest episode of New Focus On Wealth as Chad breaks down the tests you should take to prepare for a happy retirement. Chad dives into various aspects of retirement planning from the linear cash flow model to planning for long-term health care costs. Feeling a little unsure about the state of your current retirement planning? Listen now as Chad identifies the 7 tests you can use to identify weaknesses in your current planning. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 16 June 2022
On this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad talks about the current state of the market, why crypto is indeed here to stay, key considerations for new and recent retirees, and the one thing you should avoid doing right now to maximize your portfolio for the long haul. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 3 June 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad talks about how to approach the bond market vs the stock market, noting that you can enter into the stock market with long-term plans less cautiously than you can with the current bond market. Next, Chad talks about the 4 stages of retirement and the trouble you can find with a college fund when set up incorrectly. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 1 June 2022
Listen now as Chad talks about the moves people tend to make that often have the worst effects on their long-term portfolios, such as selling out of fear. Are the odds of a recession going up, and should you be worried? Listen as Chad talks about bonds, inflation, and identifies the moves to avoid so that your portfolio can reach its full potential! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 24 May 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad talks about why this has been one of the worst times for balanced portfolios in years, reiterating the importance of a detailed retirement plan with 3 years of portfolio draws readily available in cash. Next, Chad talks about interest rates and the likelihood of a soft landing for the US economy. Listen now as Chad talks about the opportunity that rough waters present and how you can take advantage of it! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 24 May 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad talks about why this has been one of the worst times for balanced portfolios in years, reiterating the importance of a detailed retirement plan with 3 years of portfolio draws readily available in cash. Next, Chad talks about interest rates and the likelihood of a soft landing for the US economy. Listen now as Chad talks about the opportunity that rough waters present and how you can take advantage of it! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Sat, 14 May 2022
Listen to the latest episode of New Focus On Wealth with host Chad Burton as he explains why this has been one of the toughest years for balanced portfolios since 2008. Do the recent market pullbacks present a desirable buying opportunity or should you be cautious as the trend continues downward? Chad sees opportunity as we approach what he believes to be close to peak inflation rates and pullbacks that may be harsher than they should be. Listen now to learn how to take advantage. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: New_Focus_Chad_Burton_Ep1248_Revised.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:47am PST |
Mon, 2 May 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad talks about the bond market and whether or not you can refer to it as a hint of an incoming recession. Next, Chad talks about what you can do if you expect a pending recession. Listen now, you won’t want to miss this episode. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 27 April 2022
Join Rob and Chad for the latest episode of Joining Me Now as they discuss the age-old question of whether or not you should pay off your mortgage early. Rob and Chad discuss the various scenarios in which you should and shouldn’t pay off your mortgage early, noting the list of factors like taxes and interest rates that come into play. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 26 April 2022
On this episode of Joining Me Now, Rob and Chad discuss their encounters that made for an interesting tax season. Next, your favorite co-hosts talk about the biggest fears among current retirees, noting that the war in Ukraine and inflation are among the most common answers. Listen now as Rob and Chad discuss retirement and how to plan for it, plus what Chad has seen over the course of his career that has changed what he plans to do before and during retirement. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 22 April 2022
On this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad opens with a discussion about what he noticed during this round of tax returns, noting that capital gain distributions were the highest he’s seen since he started doing radio in 1999. Next, Chad breaks down the tax surprises some people may have noticed after investing in mutual funds. Listen now as Chad talks taxes, retirement, and gifting in his return from radio silence during peak tax season. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 25 March 2022
In this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad talks about interest rates and the cause of inflation. Next, Chad moves on to explain why and how you should get your gifting out of the way now instead of the end of the year. Listen now as Chad discusses alternative retirement investments as retirement becomes more expensive than ever. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Wed, 23 March 2022
In this episode of Joining Me Now, Rob and Chad discuss what retirement means in 2022, noting the change in perception for pre-retirement due to the lifestyle change brought by the pandemic. Next, Rob and Chad discuss the important conversations spouses may want to have as they approach their ideal retirement age. Listen to Rob and Chad as they take a deep dive into retirement and the decisions you may or may not be forced to make. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 22 March 2022
In this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad goes over a brief market overview, addressing the problems that come with inflation and geopolitical issues the US currently faces. Next, Chad addresses the importance of not scaring yourself out of the market and remaining updated on the performance of your portfolio, noting that it’s crucial to allow the stocks you want to sell in fear to remain in your portfolio to recover. You won’t want to miss this episode. Join the discussion now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 15 March 2022
In this episode of Joining Me Now, Chad and Rob answer a question from a listener. Should they pay off their mortgage? Chad reveals his thoughts on the matter. Next, Chad goes over the reasons to be cautious about working with family and the benefit he sees in watching his son earn experience elsewhere. Listen now to hear Chad address the most common issue that you have to avoid to reach the potential of your long-term investments. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 3 March 2022
On the latest episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad addresses the recent State Of The Union address from President Biden. Chad notes that it's rare to see an oil price spike without a lingering recession. Moving onto Crypto, Chad notes that the meme-coin bubble has burst but that the recent fiscal developments overseas make the outline for crypto more interesting. How soon are we due for a recession? Are the warning signs already in place? Listen now to find out. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 22 February 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad provided a brief market update before moving on to a discussion on inflation. Are you looking at inflation the right way? Chad notes that inflation will not maintain the same trajectory because it is judged based on the previous year, meaning that while inflation rates look like they are going down, the level of inflation is still relatively high based on the decades of low inflation. You won’t want to miss this episode. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 14 February 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad provides a brief market update before moving on to a discussion on asset allocation. What are the pros and cons of rolling over your 401K? Chad makes some points that may change your view on 401K rollovers. You won't want to miss this one! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 7 February 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad recaps the rough month of January and gives his advice to new investors. Noting that starting a retirement account and utilizing apps like Acorns is a great way to start investing. Listen now as Chad speaks on altcoins, NFTs, and more! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 1 February 2022
On this episode of Joining Me Now, Rob and Chad talk about detailed cash flow projections for retirement and how it affects asset allocation and tax projections. Listen now as Rob and Chad discuss the ins and outs of retirement and tax planning on this info-packed episode! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 28 January 2022
On this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad talks about the recent stock market correction as well as the pullback on cryptocurrency. Chad notes the attractive buying opportunity that stock market pullbacks provide and the importance of asset allocation, buying assets in the right accounts. Next, Chad talks about emerging markets, inflation, and how to approach the bond market. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 26 January 2022
On this episode of Joining Me Now, Rob and Chad discuss what it means to invest in the S&P 500. Chad notes how tech-heavy and less diversified the index is than ever before. Next, Rob moves on to discuss portfolio diversification where Chad mentions how over the last 15-20 years, globally diversified portfolios have outperformed those that are not internationally diversified. Chad mentions the value found in international markets. Rob and Chad move on to discuss portfolio projects for retirement and tax-efficient investing. Chad notes that exposure to small-cap and high turnover funds should be held in retirement accounts to avoid the tax bill that comes from capital gains from those funds. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 20 January 2022
On this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad discusses the recent pullback on the stock market, noting how technology driven the S&P 500 has become. Chad then moves on to inflation and the high level of resignations around the country. Finally, Chad goes over the 7 tests to determine how ready you are for retirement. Listen now to figure out how to get Chad’s blessing! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 14 January 2022
On this episode of New Focus on Wealth, Chad starts off with an analysis of the bond market and wage inflation, noting that wage inflation continues to be an issue causing worker shortages. Next, Chad talks about the risk of investing in Crypto, noting that 2022 will continue to see security issues with digital wallets. Listen now to hear what Chad thinks about the fear of missing out on Crypto and the various risks it presents with not only performance but security-wise as well. Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 6 January 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad answers a listener’s question on social security. Does Chad think this listener’s combination of social security and rental property income will be too much of a tax burden to allow him to live the life he wants? Next, Chad explains why he thinks I bonds may require you to jump through too many hoops than they are worth. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 5 January 2022
On this episode of New Focus On Wealth, Chad goes over tax withholding and the importance of staying up to date on your tax projections as your portfolio changes throughout the year. Next, Chad discusses the unlikelihood that the government will be able to close back door loopholes for tax savings on retirement accounts anytime soon. Chad then moves on to recap market performance for 2021, noting the importance of not scaring yourself out of the market and rather using dips as buying opportunities. Listen now! Email your money question to Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |