Tue, 8 March 2016
Long-term-care insurers have been increasing their rates, and more increases are surely to come. Chad Burton, CFP®, and Rob Black discuss what the insurance covers and other options available. Commercial-Free
Direct download: 31145_RBCB_long_term_health_care.mp3
Category:Long-Term-Care Insurance -- posted at: 10:44am PST |
Wed, 2 July 2014
Rob Black discusses planning for long-term care in retirement. He also gives a survey of the current market status and a look at topics such as:
Email your money question to chad@newfocusfinancial.com Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit www.NewFocusFinancial.com.
Direct download: Newfo-0702-1400_RB_32k.mp3
Category:Long-Term-Care Insurance -- posted at: 9:26pm PST |
Wed, 8 May 2013
Do you need long-term-care insurance? Chad Burton, CFP®, discusses the pros and cons of purchasing this type of coverage, which can cover the cost of nursing home stay that Medicare won’t pay for and may also help you live independently for longer. Long-term-care coverage is expensive, however, and Chad explains why it’s generally a good idea to buy it before you turn 65. www.NewFocusFinancial.com
Direct download: Long_Term_Care_Insurance_self_insure_nursing_home.mp3
Category:Long-Term-Care Insurance -- posted at: 10:30am PST |