Fri, 29 April 2016
The era of cognitive computing is coming up, but just how are we teaching computers to think as we do? Kym calls up the General Manager of IBM’s Developer Ecosystem and startups, Sandy Carter, to find out. At the start of today’s show Sandy will tell us a bit about her successful career at IBM and how she has become a strong female presence in an otherwise male dominated field. Kym then asks about the differences between cognitive computing and traditional computing as well as differences between where humans and computers excel and why we need cognitive computing. During the latter half of the show Sandy will respond to questions from several startups including:
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that lasts. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
To have your questions answered by Kym and her guests call 1-800-516-1220 on Thursdays from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT) Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Newfo-0428-1600_W_Kym_and_Sandy32k.mp3
Category:Technology -- posted at: 12:15am PST |
Tue, 26 April 2016
![]() Did Prince die without a will? I explain how the IRS views and handles estates that continue to make money after death like Michael Jackson and Elvis. I then move on to real estate in the Bay Area explaining the issue with all cash foreign buyers, lower tax benefits and the lack of millennial buyers who can afford home loans; all of which concern me. I also talk about rates of return and average market history and then transitioning from accumulation phase to distribution phase.
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that lasts. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Mon, 25 April 2016
On today’s show I explain maximizing your income taxes through proper tax bracket management. This starts with making sure your IRA withdrawal and Roth conversion plans match your estate planning goals. You may want to take advantage of a Stretch Roth IRA or Stretch IRA in your estate plan. I then move on to other estate planning mistakes such as non-qualified annuities, creating a separate trust for younger or spendthrift children, not using IRA's to donate to charities and estate planning tips if you have saved $5.5 million or more. Towards the end of the show I discuss what needs to be done after someone dies, from getting the estate tax ID number and death certificates to contacting social security and other professionals.
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that lasts. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Thu, 21 April 2016
Today Kym chats with Michael Levitt, a serial entrepreneur who has been involved with several well known companies. Kym will begin by finding out how Michael got into technology and how a job as a security guard led to a job with the Department of Defense. He then tells us why he got into coding and what he learned from his first failed startup company. We then learn how Amazon and the “silly technology scheme” inspired and how he could have saved AOL during the broadband switch. Former Samsung Executive Steven Rahman calls in to talk about Silicon Valley’s tech bubble and what China is doing to help.
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that lasts. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
To have your questions answered by Kym and her guests call 1-800-516-1220 on Thursdays from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit Encore Edition
Direct download: Newfo-0331-1600_w_KYM_and_Michael_Levit_32kencore.mp3
Category:Technology -- posted at: 5:38pm PST |
Tue, 19 April 2016
I open today’s show by explaining how some people get swindled by financial advisors and how to spot an illegitimate advisor. I also discuss:
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that lasts. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Newfo-1222-1500_EVERGREEN32kencore.mp3
Category:financial planning -- posted at: 2:41pm PST |
Tue, 19 April 2016
Annuities get a lot of bad press. Chad Burton, CFP®, and Rob Black discuss the reasons why plus whether there’s ever a good reason to buy an annuity. Commercial-Free |
Mon, 18 April 2016
Estate planning attorney Michelle Lerman calls in and tells us about options for the new Transfer-On-Death Deed (TOD) and if a living trust is still the best option for leaving your home to an heir. She then walks us through the steps for setting up a TOD Deed and mentions several pros and cons. We also discuss the new California Law giving rights to the terminally ill patient to request life ending treatments. Later on I discuss things to consider as you file taxes such as state sales tax deduction, child care and the American opportunity tax credit. A caller asks for my opinion about safe money invested in two different funds. I also explain new "computer" benefits for 529 college savings plans and I discuss what index beating active mutual funds have in common.
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that lasts. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Newfo-0321-1600_evergreen32kencore.mp3
Category:Estate Planning -- posted at: 12:51pm PST |
Thu, 14 April 2016
![]() If you have been watching America’s Greatest Makers and have children, you are probably stoked about Grush, the app enabled, gamified toothbrush. This week Kym sits down with Grush inventor and CEO Dr. Yong-Jing Wang and Chief Operation Officer Ethan Schur to learn more about their product and competing on reality TV. First off Kym will ask her guests why they chose to compete on America’s Greatest Makers over the already popular Shark Tank. They then get to the core of their product by explaining the IoT technology integrated into their toothbrush and the 3D motion sensing technology that provides real time guidance to the user. Ethan also describes some of the games as well as how the scores get transmitted to both parents and dentists. Kyle Ellicott (Wearable World) calls in to talk about Grushs’ potential and give us his thoughts on the potential Grush Mirror.
To have your questions answered by Kym and her guests call 1-800-516-1220 on Thursdays from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that last. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up! Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Tue, 12 April 2016
Today I start off by talking about a few products you need to know about when going into retirement explaining which are good and which you should avoid. I then explain changes to filing and suspending social security as the deadline approaches. I also discuss when and when not to rollover your 401k and avoiding estate planning nightmares.
Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that last. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Newfo-0412-1600_EVERGREEN32k.mp3
Category:Retirement Planning -- posted at: 3:07pm PST |
Mon, 11 April 2016
![]() Today I review what has happened in an overall flat first quarter ranging from the possible “bottoming” of commodities to the positive performances from emerging markets and small cap funds topping the index. James from Piedmont calls up to get my opinion about the new tax-inversion rules that killed the Pfizer-Allergan merger and clear up a previous statement about contributing to your Roth IRA after filing tax returns for Jeff. I also discuss the Department of Labor finally confronting the rollover abuse that has cost retirees thousands of dollars every year and go over how you benefit from a financial planner. How to be your parents’ financial helper. Don't forget about our upcoming seminar at Four Points by Sheraton San Jose Airport on May 19th where Rob Black and I will explain how to build a retirement portfolio that last. Registration is only $5 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 7 April 2016
As Americans continue to work longer hours time for activities diminishes along with everything else, and cooking falls pretty low on the priority list. This week Kym talks with several CEO’s and investors who are taking advantage by bringing healthy meals to you. First in studio is Methodology CEO, Julie Nguyen, who share how her previously unhealthy lifestyle led to the creation of a business that cooks meals and delivers to your doorstep. Kym then calls up Bento CEO, Jason Demant, who tells us what he learned from similar business SpoonRocket and how he tweaked the ordering format so his Asian cuisine stands a better chance at success. Munchery co-founder, Tri-Tran, discusses how he is competing with the already popular Blue Apron. Sprig investors Justin Waldron and Amitt Mahajan call in to talk about what drew Justin to Sprig when he is the co-founder of Zynga gaming. Farmville co-founder Amitt talks about the evolution of food delivery with drones. Kym also talks with Gagan Biyani, Sprig CEO and Julie’s biggest competitor, who explains why people would choose Sprig over their favorite restaurant that delivers and the future of this market.
To have your questions answered by Kym and her guests call 1-800-516-1220 on Thursdays from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 5 April 2016
![]() Today I discuss a few self-employment situations and compare filing as a sole proprietor vs. an S-corp. I explain FICA taxes and when you should create an S-corp or LLC. A news article prompts me to remind people to protect themselves by using a custodian. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 4 April 2016
![]() I start out today’s show with an update on S&P 500 performance and junk bond results before chewing out the mortgage industry and other financing professionals for sending documents via email with social security numbers. I then provide several situations that demonstrate why you should throw out old rules of thumb for calculating how much you need to save for retirement. Also discussed today:
I also respond to an email from Jeff who has three years of safe money saved up with more than 5 years to retirement and I explain the backdoor Roth IRA contributions to Mary.
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |