Tue, 30 October 2012
Without proper estate planning, you put your wealth at risk. In this podcast, we discuss why you need to review your estate plan with an attorney every two years, the importance of long-term financial planning projections, and how a will and trust can help protect your family.
Direct download: Estate_planning_tips_attorney_review_gifting.mp3
Category:Estate Planning -- posted at: 3:30pm PST |
Tue, 30 October 2012
Unexpected events around the world can send shocks through your portfolio, but you can minimize the impact of these events by staying diversified and rebalancing often. In this podcast, we discuss why you need to have emergency cash reserves available during market fluctuations, as well as the importance of asset allocation.
Direct download: Reducing_portfolio_shocks_from_world_events__inflation_etc..mp3
Category:financial planning -- posted at: 3:30pm PST |
Tue, 30 October 2012
In this podcast, find out why you need to build your emergency reserves, how tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs can help you plan for retirement, and why you need to find a group of trusted advisors who can work together to help you.
Direct download: Building_a_Financial_Base_The_Truth_about_Money_build_reserves_retirement_fund.mp3
Category:Retirement Planning -- posted at: 2:30pm PST |
Tue, 23 October 2012
Chad Burton, CFP® Monday Money 2.0 KDOW Radio Show October 22, 2012– Commercial Free In this episode Certified Financial Planner™, Chad Burton, discusses Q3 earnings, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and the “fee war”, retirement date funds, CPAs, stock options, RSUs, 529 plans, the pitfalls of borrowing from HELOC to invest, the negatives of borrowing from your 401k to buy a car and red flags when a so called “advisor” offers private REITs and whole life insurance as an investment. 1-888-762-2423 |
Tue, 16 October 2012
Certified Financial Planner™, Chad Burton, discusses China, current news and alternative investments including long/short funds, buy-write funds, and publicly traded Master Limited Partnerships (oil and gas).
Tue, 9 October 2012
Certified Financial Planner™, Chad Burton, discusses sector rotation, 401k rollover and funding issues, 3rd and 4th quarter earnings, retirement income strategies, and ETFs (exchange Traded Funds). Chad Burton, Certified Financial Planner ™ 1-888-762-2423 www.NewFocusFinancial.com |
Tue, 2 October 2012
Certified Financial Planner™, Chad Burton, discusses what makes up a balanced or balanced growth portfolio, different types of bonds, and phone calls regarding Roth IRAs, individual 401k’s, and defined benefit plans. And wishes Happy Birthday to his son Nick! Chad Burton, Certified Financial Planner ™ 1-888-762-2423 www.NewFocusFinancial.com |