Thu, 30 May 2013
Holding a mortgage has certain benefits, can pre-paying be worth the risks? In this podcast, Chad Burton, CFP®, reviews the benefits of having a mortgage with a balance great enough to claim a beneficial tax deduction. Find out what factors affect the affordability of a mortgage, including interest rates and wage inflation.
Direct download: Prepay_Mortgage_15_year_mortgage_tax_desuctions.mp3
Category:Housing Mortgage -- posted at: 9:00am PST |
Thu, 23 May 2013
In this podcast, Chad Burton, CFP®, discusses planning and projecting retirement expenses, including inflation, healthcare costs, taxes, home improvements and new cars. He also explains how to navigate the U.S. tax system and save on taxes.
Direct download: Retirement_planning_expenses_inflation.mp3
Category:Retirement Planning -- posted at: 9:00am PST |
Tue, 21 May 2013
From choosing the right major and college to 529 plans, these important tips will help you before spending thousands on your child's college education with Chad Burton, CFP®, and college advisor Lisa Steele. Together, they address Education Savings Accounts and valuable financial aid websites.
Direct download: Chad_Burton_5-20-13_Kids_and_College_32k_Hard.mp3
Category:College Savings -- posted at: 2:33pm PST |
Wed, 15 May 2013
Learn about creating retirement income you can’t outlive. In this episode, Chad Burton, CFP®, provides strategies for building and retaining wealth, covering defined benefit plans and other options for the self-employed, considerations when creating an S corporation, as well as insurance tips. Also, Chad covers the state of the financial markets from gold to Q1 2013 earnings and revenue results.
Direct download: Chad_Burton_5-13-13_easy_32k.mp3
Category:Retirement Planning -- posted at: 1:50pm PST |
Wed, 8 May 2013
Do you need long-term-care insurance? Chad Burton, CFP®, discusses the pros and cons of purchasing this type of coverage, which can cover the cost of nursing home stay that Medicare won’t pay for and may also help you live independently for longer. Long-term-care coverage is expensive, however, and Chad explains why it’s generally a good idea to buy it before you turn 65.
Direct download: Long_Term_Care_Insurance_self_insure_nursing_home.mp3
Category:Long-Term-Care Insurance -- posted at: 10:30am PST |
Wed, 8 May 2013
Learn what you need to know about international small-cap investing with Chad Burton, CFP®, and David Nadel, a Portfolio Manager and Director of International Research at Royce & Associates, LLC. David brings to the discussion over 20 years of experience, and has been named twice to the Institutional Investor All-American Research Team. Also on the podcast, Chad answers listener’s email questions on Roth IRAs and Real Estate LLCs.
Direct download: Chad_Burton_w_David_Nadel_5-6-13_Easy_32k.mp3
Category:International Investing -- posted at: 8:40am PST |
Fri, 3 May 2013
![]() How do you know when you are ready to retire? On Rob Black & Your Money, Chad Burton, CFP®, guest hosts and reviews how to determine your target retirement age, as well as the importance updating your asset management strategy for different stages in your life. Chad also discusses steps to building wealth through your 40's and how to preserve wealth once you've retired.
Direct download: Rob_Black__Your_Money_April_25_-CFP_Chad_Burton_Sits_In.mp3
Category:Retirement Planning -- posted at: 9:26am PST |
Wed, 1 May 2013
There are a number of ways investors can get involved in the real estate market. In this episode, Chad Burton, CFP®, and guest, Jeff Lerman of Lerman Law Partners, LLP, discuss everything real estate, including rules for investing in rental properties and how to set up joint ventures. Also, tune in to learn the pros and cons of investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).
Direct download: Chad_Burton_4-29-13_w_Jeff_Lerman_Easy_32k_2.mp3
Category:Real Estate -- posted at: 3:54pm PST |
Wed, 1 May 2013
Did you know that 7% of smartphone users had their identity stolen in 2011? In this podcast, Chad Burton, CFP®, explains why you need to take steps today to protect your identity and personal information. He discusses planning for the worst-case scenario, including buying disability insurance, ID theft insurance and umbrella liability insurance, as well as the importance of an annual credit score check and backing up critical data.
Direct download: Protecting_assets_protect_identity_backup_data_disability_insurance_credit_report.mp3
Category:Asset Protection -- posted at: 10:30am PST |