Fri, 28 August 2020
Retirement travel can be joyful and stressful in ordinary times. But then again, we’re not living in ordinary times. In this episode, host Chad Burton speaks with Dain Rasmussen, SVP at Inspirato about where to travel during COVID-19 and how to do it the right way, the luxurious way, and the smart way. Get to know all about Inspirato and also learn more about a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA and more. Article from show:
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Sat, 22 August 2020
Topics discussed:
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Tue, 11 August 2020
![]() Is Trump’s executive order legitimate or not? Small businesses, real estate, unemployed peoples and more are hurting right now, and Congress just can’t seem to get anything done. Today I explain why this order is set to be a disaster in more ways than one. Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 5 August 2020
![]() Why is the market doing so well when everything feels so awful? 84% of S&P 500 companies have reported earnings so far and the good news is 60% have reported a positive revenue surprise after analysts downgraded their expectations. The bad? Compared to Q2 2019 we’ve declined by 35.7%, the largest year over earnings decline since 2008. Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 4 August 2020
![]() Covid struggles appear to be ramping up again with more people either struggling to find work or keep their business afloat, while others must juggle homeschooling with working from home. Covid is causing us to take another look at our investments and determine what we want to hang on through this if productivity stays low and unemployment continues to stay high. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 14 July 2020
The way we look at fixed income for retirement is always changing. The customary 4% withdrawal rule we all know has changed to be more of a 3.5% rule. Today I discuss the basic “rule of thumb” for financial planning and explain the smiley face spending curve in retirement. Other topics:
Click HERE to register for the FREE Investing & Retiring Post-Pandemic webinar. Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 7 July 2020
![]() Risk on, risk off. The shortened week of trading was an interesting one to watch as the volatility we have seen this year is akin to Great Depression era. There is more confidence than warranted in this V-shaped recovery as we inch towards a coronavirus vaccine. Even though covid continues to be a strain on the economy, the S&P 500 posted a 3% gain last week and is trading at 22x earnings! Realize your risk tolerance and don’t make emotional mistakes. Other topics include:
Click HERE to register for the FREE Investing & Retiring Post-Pandemic webinar. Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 7 July 2020
![]() Retiring in the midst of a pandemic is a tricky situation indeed, and how well you manage your expenses these next 10 years will either make or break your retirement. Today I explain what goes into financial plans and how linear cashflow modeling and Monte Carlo simulations can determine if your portfolio will outlast you. Other topics include:
Click HERE to register for the FREE Investing & Retiring Post-Pandemic webinar. Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 30 June 2020
![]() It’s the last day of the second quarter and the S&P 500 is down only about 3% for the year despite the pandemic. This year has been nothing short of a roller coaster and it is reflected in the quarter-to-date returns. In terms of year-to-date returns, real estate is looking like one of the worst asset class to be in. Other topics include:
Click HERE to register for the FREE Investing & Retiring Post-Pandemic webinar. Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 23 June 2020
![]() Yesterday, White House trade advisor Peter Navarro made it sound like trade deal talks were over, then later claimed his words were taken out of context. Stock market futures proceeded to tumble more than 400 points, but as of this morning, futures are positive for the day. That’s how volatile these things can be. Everything eventually boils down to whether companies are selling more goods or services since stocks trade based on future cash flows. Ignore the short term and invest for the long run. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Wed, 17 June 2020
![]() Real estate has been incredibly expensive for quite some time now and buyers are having trouble saving enough for a proper down payment. Still, there is an urgency for people to get into the house they want while interest rates hover around record lows. The result? There are a lot of intrafamily loans going on. Always be sure to consult a tax advisor and attorney before committing you and your family to this agreement. Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 16 June 2020
Consumers now freed from strict coronavirus restrictions are journeying out and opening their wallets. As a result, the DOW was set to open higher this morning on the idea that retail sales are shattering already lofty expectations. It’s a positive start to the day, how do we hold it? Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Chad_Burton_Podcast_Rob_Black_6-16-20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm PST |
Wed, 10 June 2020
![]() Willingness to reopen the economy hinges on your personal health and how covid has affected your life. No matter how quickly that happens, covid is going to change the way we travel. For instance, a cruise is the quintessential retirement vacation, but it may be that cruise ships never recover if we continue to practice social distancing. Today I look at the future of travel and everything that goes with it.
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 9 June 2020
![]() Congratulations if you stayed invested the last 6 months. The S&P 500 has essentially erased its losses for the year after enduring the most consecutive days with returns greater than +/- 4% and the second most days with volatile +/- 4% trading days. Don’t worry if your properly diversified portfolio is still negative, your fund isn’t bad or underperforming, some asset classes just haven’t rebounded yet. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Fri, 5 June 2020
![]() Being able to tell people you own a corporation feels empowering. Before you jump ship and quit your job make a list of the added responsibilities and increased costs of being your own boss. Items to include are health insurance benefits, 401k match, FICA tax match and disability benefits. Today I tackle self-employment issues, maximizing your retirement savings and how to minimize the dreaded self-employment tax. Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 3 June 2020
![]() What Rob likes about sitting in for me is it makes him think in a big picture way instead of stories. Key economic indicators are weirdly inverted, which is usually a bad sign. Massive amounts of stimulus means markets are rallying higher than pre-covid times, but mounting civil unrest makes you wonder what is enough to derail us. So far, the answer is “No”. Today Rob talks about his biggest issue with the market and what we can do to get over it. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 2 June 2020
Is 2020 over yet? It’s been one disaster after another, but the S&P 500 climbs a wall of worry and is barely down for the year. The S&P is tech heavy these days and tech is very important for the newwnew from home trend. Today I look at the crazy weekend and the rallying market. other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Wed, 27 May 2020
![]() I always tell people, if you want to become a small business owner, you need to make 130% more than what you are making now. Self-employment tax, lack of 401k match and health insurance costs add up for the self-employed. Small business owners that get paid in cash, and didn’t report all of their cash income, ended up with fewer benefits under the CAREs act. Being self-employed is great... if you have a plan and know what you need to make to break even Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Wed, 20 May 2020
![]() Most real estate investment trust (REITs) are publicly traded stocks with a different tax structure requiring a higher income payout to investors. Some REITs looked expensive before COVID struck and now, with more people working from home, we are left wondering what will happen to office REITs. Will income drop? The gut reaction is to expect them to decline in value, but there is one argument that a greater demand could follow. Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 19 May 2020
![]() Big moves up and big moves down. Get used to increased volatility in retirement. We flattened the curve. Now we are hearing more about vaccines and treatments and he market rallied in response, however, some are on the brink of financial disaster as they are still waiting for unemployment checks and a call back to work. Some small businesses and restaurants have closed for good. While taking caution, it’s time to get out there and get things moving again before we cause a depression. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 5 May 2020
![]() Companies en masse have withdrawn guidance. Legally it is a good way of protecting themselves, but it leaves investors to fly blind. Still, some companies are beating quarterly expectations if they changed their expectations 30 days out. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Chad_Burton_Podcast_GH_Rob_5-5-20_32k.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:31pm PST |
Wed, 29 April 2020
![]() Coronavirus has quickly changed how we work and live. People may continue to work from home following the pandemic which could affect office oriented real estate. If people are allowed to work from home, will they leave the Bay Area? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 14 April 2020
![]() March was the wildest ride for the stock and bond market I have seen in the 25 years I have been in the business. Headlines range from anywhere between equity and small cap markets having the best weeks in decades to the rising number of people filing for unemployment. So what really happened in the market? Is it a tough place to thrive, are we crushing it or is it a bit of both? Topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Thu, 2 April 2020
![]() Today I dissect the largest fiscal rescue/stimulus package we have ever seen. Will it be enough? The CAREs Act includes financial rescue options for individuals and businesses. The options for small businesses can be very confusing. Can the SBA even handle the process? Eventually the stock market will bounce back and this will end up being a blank spot in the “timeline” of credit market; in terms of loan and mortgage payments. Today I discuss the issues that CFP®s, CPA’s and lawyers are trying to figure out. Topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 31 March 2020
This quarter was the most volatile in my 25 year career. The S&P 500 jumped 5% from the beginning of the year to 2/19 then dropped -34% until the recent bottom on March 23rd at which point the market rebounded 15% by the end of March. The S&P 500 is down 20% since the start of the year and small and mid-cap stocks are down even further. The bond market also declined and had the most volatile ride I have ever seen until the feds put in a “backstop” on March 23rd. Listen and find out where I see value, how I am rebalancing and how I am tax loss harvesting. I also talk about the CARES Act and how it helps reduce taxes on RMDs for retirees and provides funding for small business.
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 24 March 2020
![]() There is some optimism as the senate is closes in on a $2 trillion stimulus bill. Markets have reacted worse in the past, more precisely the ’07-’08 scenario where congress voted against a buyout before a market plunge that sent them scrambling. While today’s snapback rally won’t get you where you want to be, but it will give you the opportunity to sell some losers. The world is coming together to fight this virus and hopefully we have already hit rock bottom. Also:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Fri, 20 March 2020
![]() California, one of the largest economies in the world, is shutting down under the order of Governor Gavin Newsom. Though none of us have a crystal ball, we are looking at recessionary numbers as people stay in and it comes with its positives and its negatives. Home cooking and staycations save you money, but still, on paper you are losing some money in the stock market. Today Rob Black looks at the potential aftermath of COVID-19.
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Tue, 3 March 2020
![]() What a wild ride it’s been. In just two months the market has seen some major ups and downs in a short amount of time. From trade wars to coronavirus, the headlines can cause you to panic, sell off and leave you wondering when to get back in. Remember, major corrections never stem from something people are anticipating. Other topics include:
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Wed, 26 February 2020
![]() The markets saw another rough day on Tuesday, and people keep wondering if coronavirus will be the black swan event that triggers the next correction. With people staying home and reducing demand, coronavirus will cause some economic damage in an economy that has been on fire. Other topics include:
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Tue, 25 February 2020
![]() Rising fears of Coronavirus have caused a breakdown in supply chains around the globe. Demand of this type does not completely disappear forever, so the big question for the market is ‘how long will this last?’ Monday’s slide wiped out gains for the S&P 500 for the year, sparking a wave of fear based trade. It’s likely the market will remain skewed till Coronavirus gets sorted out, but what should our expectations be going into the year? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 18 February 2020
![]() Asteroids, currency issues, problems in the Middle East, abusive dictators, disease, there is always some sort of a scare in the news that ends up affecting the market. Clickbait and advertisements rule the web, but in the long run the market goes from bottom left to top right and you will be happy as long as you stay invested. Today Rob Black and I talk fear investments, socially responsible investing and more. Topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 4 February 2020
With not much known about the Coronavirus, it has spread from person to person in several countries and become a global health concern. Many people have questions ranging from how do I protect myself from it to will it lead to an economic downturn? Could the Coronavirus cause more than a pullback in the market? Other topics include:
Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning Seminar at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge this Thursday, February 6th. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Mon, 3 February 2020
![]() Got an estate planning question? Michelle Lerman joins me for a discussion on how estate planning just changed under the SECURE Act.
Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning Seminar at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge this Thursday, February 6th. Click HERE to sign up! Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Chad_Burton_Podcast_1-29-2032k_w_Michelle_Lerman.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am PST |
Tue, 28 January 2020
Last year bonds and stocks rallied to the amazement of many. Today the market is facing a small pullback that many “analysts” will overanalyze. Is this something to fret over or is this simply rebalancing season? The important questions right now are what is causing this pullback and can it get deeper? Other topics include:
Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning Seminar at the Palo Alto Elks Lodge on Thursday, February 6th. Click HERE to sign up! Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 17 December 2019
![]() This time last year all the headlines wanted to talk about were a 2019 recession, inverted yield curves and negative interest rates –only to end up 28.74%. By the time these topics make the news it’s usually too late. If you’re reacting to news headlines, it’s probably time to get help with your portfolio. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 10 December 2019
![]() The holiday season is almost here and your guests will be asking for your wifi password before they sit at the dinner table. Scammers are out in full force during this time of year and it is getting more difficult to decipher the difference between scammers and real people. Protect yourself and inspect your email before clicking on any files! Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 26 November 2019
![]() The only time my company picks individual stocks in when a company has a history of being a dividend achiever. There are ETF’s with similar approaches allowing you to own a basket of companies that love increasing their dividend. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
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Tue, 19 November 2019
Part of being a financial planner means answering any questions you have about retirement; ranging from managing your accounts to maintaining your health. Today I respond to several questions listeners have been asking as they prepare for retirement. Topics:
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Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 13 November 2019
A lot of retirees delay pulling money from their retirement accounts believing the tax hit is much worse than other options. This is not necessarily the case. Spending down your cash and taxable accounts often creates a rolling tax problem after RMD’s kick in. Create a Roth Conversion plan before year-end. Don’t wait on the IRS to make changes! Other topics include:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar this Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 6 November 2019
The market has come pretty far in just one year and looking back at media headline proves that big corrections can come and go. New highs in the market are great if you have funds to invest, however, this can be incredibly difficult with a high cost of living. Here are a few things you can do to increase your savings and prepare yourself for a new retirement plan. Other topics:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar on Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up! Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 5 November 2019
![]() A decline in earnings yet the market is up? Even though trade wars and manufacturing costs have ruled the headlines, 2020 earnings projections are still positive and analysts predict earnings growth will return once the New Year begins. Other topics include:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar on Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Wed, 30 October 2019
Halloween is coming up and there are scarier things out there than the IRS. Cyber security is a major issue plaguing real estate and misfortune can end up with you getting sucked dry and wanting your mummy. Hackers are getting smarter and it’s becoming more difficult to recognize who is your friend and who is wearing a mask. Other spooky tales include:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar on Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 29 October 2019
![]() Strategic bond funds can have up to 15% exposure into stocks; so not only have bonds rallied, but now you may be exposed to stocks in your bond fund that are over bought due to investors chasing yield. Be aware of what you are holding, it might be time to change things up and take some gains. Other topics include:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar on Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 16 October 2019
![]() There are many types of investors out there and right now conservative investors are experiencing tough times. Could creating your own pension could be the best solution for those that crave certainty in a market that is fluctuating? Other topics include:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar on Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 15 October 2019
![]() Earnings kick off this week and the market is expecting numbers to be flat or slightly negative due to comparables. While the numbers are less than desirable to investors, what is important is whether or not CEO’s will the cite trade war for causing issues. Other topics include:
Retirement planning is more complicated than ever. Please join Rob Black and I for our Retirement and Income Planning seminar on Thursday, November 14, 2019 in Burlingame. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 8 October 2019
![]() October 1st is the start date for college students looking for financial aid and students who apply early are more likely to receive more money than their friends who stall. While parents are always willing to do anything to help their children succeed, after age 18 you are unable to act on their behalf on financial transactions and healthcare decisions. Is your child set up with a POA and a healthcare directive? other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 2 October 2019
![]() Manufacturing reports showed the weakest numbers in 10 years. In fact numbers lower than expected due to trade issues slowing things down and presented the worst rating since June 2009. A manufacturing slowdown alone is not enough to put us into a recession; strong consumer sentiment is what we need to keep the economy going strong. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 1 October 2019
![]() As Q3 comes to an end it’s mindboggling to think of all the crazy headlines we have heard in these few short months. When you start to feel that things are the worst they have ever been is when you have to separate your investing moves from the fear-based media stories vying for your attention. These headlines only matter in the short term and gut-decisions lead to mistakes. Don’t let the media scare you into making a mistake! Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 26 September 2019
![]() Just when you thought trade war headlines couldn’t get any more interesting, we now have formal impeachment inquiry proceedings against Trump. What media has glossed over, however, is the repurchase market where banks and investors seek more than 1trillion in cash loans every day. Other topic:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 18 September 2019
![]() Managing your taxes is extremely important once you go beyond your 401k. Every year you need to be in the habit of actively harvesting losses if you have them. As long as you don’t buy back what you sold within 30 days, you can take that loss on your tax return. You also need to be aware of issues of inherited gains in mutual funds and ETF’s in your taxable account. Other topics include:
Managing your money can be complicated. Join Rob and I for one of our two Wealth Building & Retirement Planning Seminars, this Saturday, September 21st. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 17 September 2019
Twice in month of August, the yield curve inverted and two year bonds were paying more than 10 year government bonds. Many people panicked believing a recession was imminent. Is it still a predictor of an impending recession or just an unfortunate coincidence that raised alarm? Other topics include:
Managing your money can be complicated. Join Rob and I for one of our two Wealth Building & Retirement Planning Seminars, this Saturday, September 21st. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 11 September 2019
![]() Over the last few weeks you have heard me say that growth investing has had a historical run since the bottom of the market in 2009; handily outperforming value investing. This is your cue to do a portfolio review to try and figure out if you are investing areas that have run too far. Good value investors are very patient and realize that long term pay offs matter more than short term market movements. Other topics include:
Managing your money can be complicated. Join Rob and I for one of our two Wealth Building & Retirement Planning Seminars on September 21st. Click HERE to sign up! Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 28 August 2019
![]() Years ago I thought you would have to be crazy to buy something you saw advertized on social media. Today I’ll admit that I actually bought something I saw on social media and it did not go well at all. Long story short, I fell victim to online fraud and may be out some money. Online security is something we all need to take seriously for more than one-time transactions. Don’t let something as simple as a weak password end up with you losing anything from a few dollars to your identity. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 27 August 2019
![]() If you’re trying to give somebody money for education do not give them the cash directly, pay the institution instead. Not only will you not have to file a gift tax return, but you are able to exceed the $15,000 limit. Believe it or not there is also a correct way to withdraw from a 529 plan; is your child getting the most out this money? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 21 August 2019
![]() Looking for stocks that are trading at a discount is called value investing. Traditionally this is done by looking at the P/E ratio and right now the valuation gap between expensive and cheap stocks is the lowest it has been in 9 years. Now that investors are turning their attention to quality stocks, value investing is something you should be keeping your eye on as periods of underperformance are followed by periods of outperformance. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 7 August 2019
![]() Astute investors realized that yesterday’s headlines were incredibly similar to those during last year’s September-December correction. Daunting headlines and investor Alzheimer’s make for a poor combination that can cause some people to panic out of the market which will typically result in a huge setback in your retirement. Daily headlines really don’t matter in the long run, what does matter is having a strategy that you stick to because you can not time the market! Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 6 August 2019
![]() Many people classified yesterday as a “tough day for the markets”, but if you follow market trends it looks a lot like your typical August. The Feds cut interest rates for the first time in more than a decade with the 10 year treasury sinking to pre-Trump numbers. The end result: the most extreme inverted yield curve since 2008. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 30 July 2019
Right now the Feds are in a no-win situation. Leaving rates where they are is risky and Powell would be to blame for any signs of a recession. Alternatively, if they follow the data and were considering lowering rates anyway it will look as if the Feds have caved to Trump’s pressure. What should we do in an economy where we don’t want a strong dollar right now? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 24 July 2019
![]() By the end of the second quarter the S&P 500 found itself up 18.5%, which includes the sizeable recovery from last year and a push ahead. Much of the volatility has been from trade wars and fed interest rates so we have to we have to bring things back to reality and figure out what is going on within the S&P. With that said, remember that the S&P is cap weighted and is not an exact measure of the largest 500 companies in America. The economy is much more than that. Other topics include:
Email your money question to, or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 17 July 2019
![]() Health and financial well being often come together to determine how much you will enjoy retirement. Too often people enter retirement in poor health end up spending more time with doctors than doing what they want to do. Likewise, those who take care of their health usually end up living longer and will need more money to live. Money and health both need to be a priority in retirement. Topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 16 July 2019
![]() Cryptocurrency is big headlines again as Facebook explains plans for their own digital currency to Congress. Steve Mnuchin also did a briefing stating his concerns on the risks of digital currency while vowing that the treasury will crack down on law breakers as they find them. Can Facebook’s cryptocurrency survive between this and consumer trust issues? Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 3 July 2019
![]() Can dividend income raise your effective rate? The biggest issue some people face in retirement is the ‘ticking tax time bomb’ of what their brackets might do once they hit the RMD period of their retirement. Could a possible solution be as simple as delaying retirement or contributing to a Roth instead of a pre-tax 401k? Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning seminar at the Elks Lodge in Palo Alto on Thursday, July 11th. Registration is only $25 so click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 19 June 2019
![]() The kids are home for the summer and while they’re kicking it with their friends, mom and dad are at work thinking about the next year of schooling. While you finalize your childs college plans, remember that 529 plans changed under the 2017 tax act. Today I explain what you need to know about funding your childs education. Other topics:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 11 June 2019
Two years ago we didn’t think we would be here, but interest rates have dropped once again. With real estate peaking and the stock market still performing close to all-time highs, many people are asking about refinancing their mortgages. Will refinancing make an impact on your wallet or will fees prevent you from breaking even? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 29 May 2019
![]() The news has been a little unsettling lately with another lackluster round of presidential candidates stepping forward, Teresa May stepping down after failing to Brexit, Chinese trade deals not going as planned and interest rates hitting a real low point. Despite all these negatives the market has rallied since the beginning of the year. What should you be concerned with as local bond markets call for another slowdown? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 30 April 2019
One of the things people were concerned about going into this quarter was an earnings recession. So far roughly 25% of companies in the S&P 500 have reported earnings and reports are averaging 5.3% above expectations. Today I discuss the expected earnings recession, the struggling healthcare sector and ongoing talks of a rate cut. Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning Seminar at the Toll House Hotel in Los Gatos on Thursday, May 16th. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 24 April 2019
![]() For the next 19 years more than 10,000 people will reach the age of 65 and by 2050 the US will be home to 65.8 million retirees between the ages of 62-84; a whopping 113% increase! While we do not face the demographics issues similar to those of Japan, anyone currently under the age of 55 should be prepared to retire without Social Security. How do we fix the system before it fails? Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning Seminar at the Toll House Hotel in Los Gatos on Thursday, May 16th. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 24 April 2019
![]() Opportunity Zone investing may be an option for anyone with low basis stock to sell, defer capital gains tax and diversify into real estate. It may sound fantastic, but investors are wondering what will happen in 2026 when the tax code reverts? Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income and Tax Planning Seminar at the Toll House Hotel in Los Gatos on Thursday, May 16th. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 17 April 2019
I hope you didn’t panic out and sell during last year’s holiday correction. The first quarter of 2019 was the best start for a 60/40 balanced portfolio since 1991. The last 6 months should be enough to teach you not to try and time the market or invest emotionally. Instead, simply rebalance your portfolio when things feel a bit toppy and buy when the fear is high. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 16 April 2019
![]() There’s nothing I love more than getting email questions from listeners. Not only does it provide great content for the show, but it helps me focus in on what you want to learn about. Today I answer questions you have sent me. Topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 10 April 2019
![]() Whether you’re on your own or supporting a family, it’s a good idea to have at least 6 months of emergency reserves around. For people who change jobs frequently I would recommend you increase this amount to a year’s worth of income. So how do you know how much safe money you really need and how does this amount change as you approach retirement? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 2 April 2019
![]() If you’re self-employed you know that tax time can be an extremely daunting time. It can also be a bit of a surprise due to the way self-employment taxes work. Today’s podcast is for every self-employed individual who is feeling overwhelmed and completely lost as tax day approaches. Specific topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 29 March 2019
![]() It’s the day of the dueling hosts. Rob Black and I collaborate frequently on his show and oftentimes Rob receives many emails about financial planning. Today Rob and I team up to answer money and financial planning emails from our listeners. Topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 20 March 2019
Retirement planning is hard enough and one of the easiest ways to live a little smarter is to simply learn from the mistakes of other people. Today I cover major retirement ruining mistakes such as:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income And Tax Planning Seminar on Thursday, March 21 at Double Tree by Hilton in Burlingame. Registration is only $25. Click HERE to sign up! Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 19 March 2019
![]() First quarter GDP numbers will be coming out soon and they are predicted to be in the 1% range. Permabull Jeremy Siegel believes the market will be challenged for further gains due to low earnings growth this year. However, the 10 year treasury is sitting just below 2.7% and low rates boost markets. Today I discuss the latest stock market predictions, what causes these scenarios and how to survive them should they come true. Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income And Tax Planning Seminar on Thursday, March 21 at Double Tree by Hilton in Burlingame. Registration is only $25. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 13 March 2019
![]() Q4 may have shown us a 5th straight quarter with a double digit rise in earnings, but way more on the market is European Central Bank abruptly reducing its 2019 GDP forecast. Brexit is still causing a lot of uncertainty and a No Deal vote is expected to happen by tomorrow leading to who knows what outcome. Also on the radar is some unusual jobs data in an otherwise robust economy. Is inflation even being measured correctly? Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income And Tax Planning Seminar on Thursday, March 21 at Double Tree by Hilton in Burlingame. Registration is only $25. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 20 February 2019
More people are hearing about Health Savings Accounts at work and is a great plan that not everyone can afford, but should seriously consider if they can. For people with enough cash flow to handle this high deductible plan it can actually be a better way to save for college. Other topics include:
Join Rob Black and I for our Retirement Income And Tax Planning Seminar on Thursday, March 21 at Double Tree by Hilton in Burlingame. Registration is only $25. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 16 January 2019
![]() The news can be unsettling these days. UK citizens are regretting their decision to leave the EU in Brexit. Meanwhile, Trump has ordered many federal employees back to work during the shutdown without pay. We also have PG&E filing for bankruptcy. Despite all these horror stories we have had a huge rally since Christmas Eve. Never panic out when the news is the worst and volatility is high! Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 9 January 2019
![]() The Q3 FOMO rally was quickly followed by a December that left the S&P down by 4.5% on the year. Although the media made the sudden correction feel incredibly painful, remember that this pullback follows a 10 year average return of over 13%! Do not get caught up in the medias racket and make emotional mistakes with your portfolio. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 26 December 2018
![]() Investors attempting to offset gains from earlier Steve Mnuchin's ill-timed comments on liquidity created the perfect Christmas Eve storm, however, this is no time o panic.
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 21 December 2018
![]() Going into the holidays worried about your portfolio is not a great way to welcome in the New Year. The S&P was up nearly 9.5% by the end of September and today the S&P 500 is down nearly 8% for the year including dividends. Be careful trading at year end when investors are tax loss harvesting. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 19 December 2018
![]() Feds have acknowledged trade issues are slowing down the economy, but markets still expect a rate hike from the Feds at today’s meeting. What investors are unsure about is what that means for 2019. Will Americans be spending their tax returns or use it to pay down debt due to fears of economic slowdown? Other topics include
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 12 December 2018
![]() Ever wonder why Apple is so cheap in terms of P/E ratio? It’s the law of large numbers. When a company becomes that big it can be hard to maintain growth. However, companies like IBM are cheap because falling revenue has forced them to reinvent themselves. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 21 November 2018
![]() Uber could go public next year and Lyft announces a subscription plan at discounted prices. Is ride sharing cheaper for commuters after you factor in insurance, gas and auto payments? I also look at mixed Q3 returns and the decrease in US home construction and affordability. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 13 November 2018
Earnings and revenue growth are up, but volatility has returned to the market. Not only do we now have trade issues causing uncertainty in the market, but a divided congress gives little hope for any change in the future. Today I pick apart the market to try and find out why expectations have come down in a time where growth has outperformed value. Other topics include:
You’ve set goals for investing . . . so now what? Now is the time to learn a bit more on wealth accumulation and what to do after your 401K. Join me next Saturday, November 17th at the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 7 November 2018
![]() Election results are in and the Democrats have a house majority.... which means investing with gridlock is the new hot topic. These elections also served as a warning sign to Trump as many of the states that supported his presidency voted democrat. What is going to happen to the market? Other topics include:
You’ve set goals for investing . . . so now what? Now is the time to learn a bit more on wealth accumulation and what to do after your 401K. Join me on Saturday, November 17th at the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 6 November 2018
![]() Despite the talk of the market topping out, the economy is still getting stronger thanks to increasing job growth, participation rates and wage growth. These three factors are a sure sign for the Feds that we are ready for a rate increase. Is a December rate hike all but set in stone for this year? Other topics include:
You’ve set goals for investing . . . so now what? Now is the time to learn a bit more on wealth accumulation and what to do after your 401K. Join me on Saturday, November 17th at the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 30 October 2018
![]() Yesterday’s flip-of-the-switch positive to negative move was a prime example of what has been driving the recent rapid volatility increase; investor Alzheimer’s. Investors have gotten so used to going from bottom left to top right that many have forgotten what a normal market looks like, but is the stock market really that bad? Other topics include:
You’ve set goals for investing . . . so now what? Now is the time to learn a bit more on wealth accumulation and what to do after your 401K. Join me on Saturday, November 17th at the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 25 October 2018
![]() Bloodbath, plummeting, rapid decline. These are the words the media uses to destroy your confidence in the stock market. The trade issues are causing a slow down so earnings growth expectations for 2019 and 2020 are in question. Yes the NASDAQ is in "correction" but is still positive for the year. The S&P and Dow have merely lost the gains for the year. Other topics include:
You’ve set goals for investing . . . so now what? Now is the time to learn a bit more on wealth accumulation and what to do after your 401K. Join me on Saturday, November 17th at the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 23 October 2018
![]() Sales took a major hit after Trump said he would support a boycott of Harley Davidson if they moved some production overseas to sidestep EU tariffs. While sales themselves are not shrinking, margin costs are and all fingers point to trade issues. Are we still meeting our expected Q3 growth numbers despite higher costs? Other topics include:
You’ve set goals for investing . . . so now what? Now is the time to learn a bit more on wealth accumulation and what to do after your 401K. Join me on Saturday, November 17th at the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Wed, 17 October 2018
![]() Uber could go public next year and Lyft announces a subscription plan at discounted prices. Is ride sharing cheaper for commuters after you factor in insurance, gas and auto payments? I also look at mixed Q3 returns and the decrease in US home construction and affordability. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 12 October 2018
![]() A large part of the investment world thought rates would fall again before the 10 year treasury hit 3.5%, and they are very close to being wrong. The Feds hinted they could hike rates even faster in the future despite global trade issues and warnings from Trump. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 2 October 2018
![]() The Kavanaugh hearings were all anyone could talk about over the weekend, but the big news on the economic front was the quarterly Fed meeting. The FOMC removed the Accommodation Clause while Chairman Powell stated that “this does not imply the Fed will be less aggressive if necessary in raising rates.” With the fed funds rate believed to be raised in December and three more times next year, what does that mean for loan rates? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 11 September 2018
![]() If you are 10 years from retirement or in retirement don't miss our 9/20 Los Gatos event: Retirement Income and Tax Planning at 6:30 PM at the Toll House Hotel. Sign up at with code “Radio25”. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 24 August 2018
![]() College is a crazy and exciting milestone in life. After dropping off my son at his first year of college I share what I learned about scholarship applications, dorm budgeting and the relatively new personal financial planning degree. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 24 August 2018
![]() Summertime geopolitical woes continue as August comes to an end. First we have the Paul Manafort issues unfolding and a second issue lies with Elon Musk tweeting about taking Tesla private. Will either of these men be able to avoid prison? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Tue, 14 August 2018
![]() Bay Area home prices are so elevated that investors are receiving low yield even if they buy a property all-cash. Today I discuss Bay Area real estate issues including high prices, rising rates, tax law changes and the basic worker not being able to live in the Bay Area. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit Encore Mashup! |
Tue, 31 July 2018
![]() Last Friday we heard that GDP grew at 4.1%, the best reading in 4 years. The only way we can keep the new tax cuts is to have continued GDP growth that covers the costs of Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs so congress could act again. Today I dig into GDP numbers that beat expectations. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Fri, 20 July 2018
![]() Most of what you hear on financial media right now is the idea of a trade war. While negotiations are causing some uncertainty in the market, the S&P has rallied 3% since the end of the second quarter (just 20 days ago). Will things continue to get worse before they get better? Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |
Thu, 19 July 2018
Last week jobless claims dropped to the lowest level since 1969. The lower those numbers fall the more you hear about employees demanding higher wages. Increasing wages alongside rising interest rates and tariffs slows down rapid growth. Other topics include:
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 on Tuesday's and Wednesday's from 6:00-7:00 a.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit |