Fri, 21 October 2016
Rob Black and I don’t depend on big name companies for a retirement plan; we created our own businesses and did it for ourselves. Most people don’t know business owners need to make 25-30% more money just to break even when transitioning from owner to employee. They often end up doing double the work without receiving double the pay because they failed to have a business plan in place. Other topics include:
Register for the Quickbooks Connect event where Rob Black and I will be speaking. Use the password: Connect to save 50% on the registration fee!
Join Rob Black and I at one of our next retirement workshops at the Elks Lodge in Palo Alto. Admission is only $5 to learn about current market conditions, retirement planning issues and estate planning strategies. Click HERE to sign up!
Email your money question to , or call the show at 1-800-516-1220 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (PDT)
Call 1-888-762-2423 for Wealth Management and Financial Planning services or visit
Direct download: Newfo-1021-1600_RB_w_Chad32k.mp3
Category:Retirement Planning -- posted at: 7:17pm PST |